Wars Can List (updated March 23, 2022) |
Welcome to the POPCAN.ORG Star Wars Cans Page. There are 2 goals of this page:
1. To have a single place to help list all the known Star Wars Cans produced. (Cans & Aluminum bottles) - not glass bottles, or other non-can items
2. To have this page as my personal checklist of the cans I have, and the cans I NEED.
If you have either additional cans (or variant of a can) to add to this list, please let me know. If you have cans I NEED for sale, also please let me know. Best place to contact me is on the POPCAN.ORG Facebook Page. Thanks in advance.
Episode IV - A New Hope (1977/1978)
NEED | Coca-Cola | 1 Can - "Play Star Wars" Banner on the can - For Glass bottles, Coke did a game to find different character under the bottle cap - and I believe maybe the can, the character may have been printed on the bottom of the can (looking into the can to see which one was there). |
"Special Edition" Trilogy (1996/1997)
*note: Some cans are Aluminum, some cans are Steel. Not 100% sure if the same design can is available in both - if so, I would LOVE to know, and add both to my collection.
NEED | Germany | Pepsi | Darth Vader (Alum.Can only?) |
NEED | Italy | Pepsi | Darth Vader (Alum Can only?) |
NEED | Italy | Pepsi | Ship (Alum Can only?) |
NEED | Italy | Pepsi | Stormtrooper (Alum Can only?) |
NEED | Mexico | (Red Can) | Stormtrooper |
NEED | Mexico | Pepsi | Darth Vader |
NEED | Netherlands | 7up | Text - Filmstunt (Steel can, maybe Alum can version also?) |
NEED | Netherlands | Pepsi | Text - Movie Cards (Alum can, maybe Steel can version also?) |
NEED | Netherlands | Pepsi | Text - Space Maxer (Alum can, maybe Steel can version also?) |
NEED | Netherlands | Pepsi Light | Text - Movie Cards (Steel can, maybe Alum can version also?) |
NEED | Netherlands | Pepsi Max | Text - Space Maxer (Alum can, maybe Steel can version also?) |
NEED | Netherlands | Sisi Orange | Text - Space Maxer (Not sure if 1 or 2 versions of Alum/Steel) |
NEED | Netherlands | Sisi Orange | Text - Filmstunt (Not sure if 1 or 2 versions of Alum/Steel) |
NEED | Portugal | 7up | Ship (Alum) |
NEED | Portugal | 7up | Stormtrooper (Alum) |
NEED | Portugal | Pepsi | Darth Vader (Alum) |
NEED | Portugal | Pepsi Max | Stormtrooper (Alum) |
have | Singapore | Pepsi | Darth Vader 330ml |
have | Spain | Pepsi | Stormtrooper 33cl |
NEED | Spain | Pepsi | Darth Vader (Alum) |
NEED | Spain | Pepsi Max | Stormtrooper (Steel?) |
NEED | Spain | ?? | I believe there is a 4th can from Spain. |
have | Thailand | 7up | Ship (smooth at top of can) [May be version with ridged top of can] |
have | Thailand | Miranda Cream Soda (Green) | Ship (smooth at top of can) [May be version with ridged top of can] |
have | Thailand | Miranda Orange | Ship (smooth at top of can) [May be version with ridged top of can] |
have | Thailand | Miranda Strawberry (Red) | Ship (smooth at top of can) [May be version with ridged top of can] |
have | Thailand | Pepsi | Darth Vader (ribbed at top of can - also have smooth version) |
have | Thailand | Pepsi | Darth Vader (smooth at top of can - also have ribbed version) |
have | Thailand | Pepsi Max | Stormtrooper (ribbed at top of can) [May be version with smooth top of can] |
NEED | Turkey | Pepsi | Darth Vader |
NEED | UK | 7up | ?? (not sure of design) [in UK, there may be a normal version, and a "Multi-Pack" Version] - not sure if Alum or Steel |
NEED | UK | Mountain Dew | Ship [in UK, there may be a normal version, and a "Multi-Pack" Version] - not sure if Alum or Steel |
NEED | UK | Mountain Dew Diet | Ship [in UK, there may be a normal version, and a "Multi-Pack" Version] - not sure if Alum or Steel |
NEED | UK | Pepsi | Darth Vader [in UK, there may be a normal version, and a "Multi-Pack" Version] - not sure if Alum or Steel |
NEED | UK | Pepsi Diet | ?? (not sure of design) [in UK, there may be a normal version, and a "Multi-Pack" Version] - not sure if Alum or Steel |
NEED | UK | Pepsi Max | ?? (not sure of design) [in UK, there may be a normal version, and a "Multi-Pack" Version] - not sure if Alum or Steel |
have | USA | Pepsi | Darth Vader |
have | USA | Pepsi | Special Edition Trilogy Logo |
have | USA | Pepsi Diet | Stormtrooper |
have | USA | Pepsi Diet | R2D2 |
Episode 1 - 1999 - The Phantom Menace
NEED | Argentina | (not sure) | 6 Can Set? I do not have much information on this set, but NEED |
have | Australia | multi | 8 Can Set. 4 Pepsi (Anakin, Obi-Wan, Darth Maul, Qui-Gon), Diet Pepsi (Queen), 7up (C-3PO), Mountain Dew (Watto), Pepsi Max (Jar Jar). |
(some) | Australia | multi | Variants: I have 3 Pepsi (Obi,Maul,Qui) that has more "Silver" behind the Star Wars Logo. Pepsi (Anakin) is almost all blue behind the Star Wars Logo. I also have 2 slight paint difference versions of the Mountain Dew & Pepsi Max can also. |
NEED | Austria | (not sure) | 5 Can Set? I do not have much information on this set, but NEED |
have | Brazil | multi | 8 Can Set. 6 Pepsi (Anakin, Obi, Darth, Qui, Amidala, JarJar), 1 Pepsi Light (Amidala), 1 7up (Yoda) |
Brazil | multi | Variants: I have 2 7up Yoda cans (1 with wide mouth) - but believe their are 2 slight variants - from different caner maker. | |
have | Canada | multi | 20 can set. 8 Pepsi (Anakin, Sebulba, Qui-Gon, Watto, Jabba, Senator, R2D2, Darth Sidious), 4 Mountain Dew (Darth Maul, Jar Jar, Mace, Obi-Wan), 4 Diet Pepsi (Queen Amidala, Padme, Shmi, Battle Droid), 4 7up (Chancellor, C3PO, Nute Gunray, Boss Nass) |
have | France | Pepsi | 3 can STEEL set: Darth Maul, Anakin, Queen Amidala |
NEED | France | Pepsi | 3 can ALUMINUM set: I have Queen Amidala - NEED Aluminum Death Maul & Anakin |
have | Germany | multi | 5 330ml can set. Pepsi (Qui-Gon), Pepsi Light (Amidala), 7up (Yoda), Mirinda (Watto, Pepsi Boom (Jar Jar) |
have | Germany | multi | 2 500ml can set. Pepsi (Darth Maul), Pepsi Max (R2D2) |
Germany | multi | Variants: I have 3 slightly different paint variants of the Pepsi Qui-Gon. Nothing major. | |
(some) | Greece | multi | 8 can set. I have 5 of 8. Pepsi (Darth), Pepsi Max (R2D2), "blue" (Qui-Gon), "orange" (Queen Amidala), "green" (Watto) --- MISSING 3 CANS |
NEED | Greece | multi | Missing 3 of the 8 can set. Pepsi (Anakin) + 2 more. Not sure who are on the other 2 cans, but would guess maybe Obi-Wan, C3PO, or JarJar maybe. |
have | Italy | multi | 5 can set. Pepsi (Anakin, Qui-Gon, Darth Maul), Pepsi Max (R2D2), 7up (C3PO) |
have | Japan | Pepsi | 6 can 350ml set (WRAPPED - but "good" wrapped, can tell with slight overlap on back of can. Slightly better graphics than the Printed cans (R2, Darth, Queen, Anakin, Obi, Jar) |
(some) | Japan | Pepsi | 6 can 350ml set (PRINTED) - These graphics are not as good as the wrapped, can really tell the difference with Anakin can. NOTE: I am missing the Printed Darth Maul Can) (Pepsi 6 cans: R2, Darth, Queen, Anakin, Obi, Jar) |
Japan | Pepsi | Variants: Some cans may have small "prize" stickers on the cans. | |
have | Japan | Pepsi | 12 can 350ml set. This set is for 6 different characters, where you stack 2 cans on top of each other which has the top & bottom 1/2 of each character. Pictures are in black & white. 6 characters: R2D2, ObiWan, Watto, Darth Maul, Queen Amidala, Nute Gunray) |
have | Japan | Pepsi | 500ml Darth Maul (part of 2 can 500ml set) |
NEED | Japan | Pepsi | 500ml Anakin (part of 2 can 500ml set) |
have | Japan | Pepsi | 350ml R2D2 - Gold Rim "Get R2-D2" |
have | Japan | Pepsi | 350ml C3PO - Gold Rim "Get C-3PO" |
have | Japan | Pepsi | 350ml C3PO - Gold Rim "Get C-3PO" - "2000 Celebration" |
have | Japan | Pepsi | 500ml C3PO - Gold Rim "Get C-3PO" - "2000 Celebration" small near top of can |
have | Japan | Pepsi | 500ml C3PO - Gold Rim "Get C-3PO" - "2000 Celebration" big near bottom of can |
have | Japan | Pepsi | 500ml R2D2 - Gold Rim "Get R2-D2" |
Japan | Pepsi | Variants: Not sure if there are more different 350/500 R2D2 or C3PO can variants | |
*note | Korea | Pepsi | 4 can set: Darth Maul, Jar Jar, Queen Amidala, Qui-Gon. NOTE: I have the 4 cans, but they got damanged, so I am looking for a new set if possible. Also small variant: I have a mix of cans, some with silver tabs, some with blue tabs. |
have | Malaysia | Pepsi | 4 can set: Anakin, Jar Jar, Darth Maul, Queen Amidala |
(some) | Mexico | Pepsi | 4 can set: I have 3: Anakin, Jar Jar, and Queen Amidala - NEED Darth Maul |
Mexico | Pepsi | Variants: Told that there may be at least 5 different variants, with different canning companies and/or addresses on the cans. | |
have | Netherlands | (multi) | 6 can set: Pepsi (Anakin, Qui-Gon), Pepsi Max (R2D2, Jar Jar), 7up (Yoda), Sisi (Watto) |
have | New Zealand | (multi) | 6 can set: Pepsi (Anakin), Pepsi Max (Jar Jar), Mountain Dew (Watto), Diet Pepsi (Queen Amidala), 7up (Yoda), Miranda (Sebulba) |
NEED | Panama | ??? | 3 or 4 can set? I know nothing about this set --- NEED |
NEED | Portugal | (multi) | 4 can set: Pepsi (Anakin, Qui-Gon), 7up (Yoda, C3PO) - NEED ALL 4 |
have | Singapore | Pepsi | 3 can set: Jar Jar, Qui-Gon, Darth Maul |
have | Singapore | Pepsi | Special 360 degree Pepsi "Send Away" - Anakin Pod Race |
(some) | Spain | (multi) | 8 can 330ml STEEL, numbered set: (1)Pepsi Anakin (2)Pepsi Qui-Gon (3) Pepsi Light Amidala (4) Pepsi Max R2D2 (5) Kas narania Obi-Wan (6) Kas Liman Darth Maul (7) 7up Yoda (8) Pepsi Boom Jar Jar. STEEL: I have #1, #5, #6, #8 (NEED Steel: Yoda, Qui-Gon, Amidala, R2D2) |
(some) | Spain | (multi) | 8 can 330ml ALUMINUM, numbered set: (1)Pepsi Anakin (2)Pepsi Qui-Gon (3) Pepsi Light Amidala (4) Pepsi Max R2D2 (5) Kas Narania Obi-Wan (6) Kas Liman Darth Maul (7) 7up Yoda (8) Pepsi Boom Jar Jar. ALUMINUM: I have #1, #2, #3, #4, #7 (NEED Aluminum Darth, Obi-Wan, Jar Jar) |
(some) | Turkey | Pepsi | 5 can 330ml STEEL set: Queen, Darth, Anakin, C3PO, JarJar. (I have STEEL Anakin, C3PO, Jar Jar -- NEED STEEL Queen & Darth Maul) |
(some) | Turkey | Pepsi | 5 can 330ml ALUMINUM set: Queen, Darth, Anakin, C3PO, Jar Jar (I have ALUMINUM Queen, Darth -- NEED ALUMINUM Anakin, C3PO, Jar Jar) |
have | U.K. | (multi) | 10 can 330ml set ["37p" Multipack - no UPC]: Pepsi (Qui, Anakin), Diet Pepsi (Queen, Obi), Pepsi Max (R2D2, Jar Jar), 7up (C3PO, Yoda), Diet 7up (C3PO, Yoda) |
NEED | U.K. | (multi) | 10 can 330ml set [NO "37p", has a UPC]: Pepsi (Qui, Anakin), Diet Pepsi (Queen, Obi), Pepsi Max (R2D2, Jar Jar), 7up (C3PO, Yoda), Diet 7up (C3PO, Yoda) --- I have 1 of these - Pepsi Max R2D2 -- NEED OTHER 9 NON-Multipack |
U.K. | (multi) | Variants: I also have a couple "37p" slight paint variants - nothing major | |
have | U.K. | (multi) | 6 can 150ml set: Pepsi (Anakin, Qui-Gon), Pepsi Max (Jar Jar, R2D2), Diet Pepsi (Queen Amidala, Obi-Wan) |
have | U.S.A. | (multi) | 24 can numbered set: 8 Pepsi (Anakin, Sebulba, Qui-Gon, Watto, Jabba, Palpatine, R2D2, Darth Sidious), 8 Mountain Dew (Darth Maul, Jar Jar, Windu, Obi-Wan, Panaka, Rune Haako, Ric Olie, Destroyer Droid), 4 Diet Pepsi (Amidala, Padme, Shmi, Battle Droid), 4 Pepsi One (Valorum, C3PO, Nute Gunray, Boss Nass) |
have | U.S.A. | (multi) | Variant (24 can numbered set listed above) - NEW YORK Variant - with "New York" along the top rim of can - only sold in New York City |
have | U.S.A. | (multi) | Variant (24 can numbered set listed above) - flat top / never filled / display cans for promotion - can looks like normal can, just flat lid |
U.S.A. | (multi) | Variant (24 can numbered set listed above) - Gold Top from Iowa - Iowa has gold tops. | |
have | U.S.A. | Storm | 2 cans - Limited distribution: Jar Jar & Qui-Gon. Storm was being tested as a replacement for Sierra Mist, only sold in a few areas across the country. These cans are not numbered. There is not a NEW YORK variant, not sure about gold top, but there is a Gold Yoda Storm can |
have | U.S.A. | (multi) | 6 GOLD YODA Cans. 5 Gold Yoda cans were randomly placed into cases of pop (Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi One, and Storm) - if you mailed in one of those 5 cans, you would get a $20 check in the mail, along with a Replacement Gold Can. The Storm Gold Yoda is the hardest to find. |
have | U.S.A. | (multi) | Promotional Box of 4 wrapped cans. This was a box that was distributed to people to show how the cans would look. The writing on the cans were just "gibberish" as to not give away anything about the movie. |
have | U.S.A. | Pepsi | Pepsi Destiny Can - special full color can with the young Anakin, with Darth Vader in the background - mostly black can. Was told 1 can in every 900 cases. |
(some) | U.S.A. | Pepsi | Prototype Cans. I have 1 prototype can with an old Luke Skywalker picture on it (from the original trilogy) - mostly as just a picture to "test" how cans could look. I have seen different versions that I do not have - so hard telling how many different prototype cans are out there. (BUT ALWAYS LOOKING FOR MORE!) |
Episode II - 2002 - Attack of the Clones
have | Japan | Pepsi | Jango Fett |
NEED | I am sure there are more Japan and maybe other Episode II Cans - NEED ALL |
Episode III - 2005 - Revenge of the Sith
NEED | China | Tea? | Not sure of brand or much about the can - but NEED |
NEED | Hong Kong | (multi) | 6 can set: 3 Coke + 1 Coke Vanilla + 1 Sprite + 1 Sprite Ice |
(some) | Japan | Pepsi Twist | 3 300ml Aluminum Bottles - I have 3 of these: Yoda, Anakin, and Padme. Not sure if there are more or not. ????????? |
NEED | Japan | Pepsi?? | Think there might be two 4 can sets (8 cans total) ????? NEED to research some more. Pepsi brand |
have | Macau | Coke | 3 Coke Cans. Has "2005 Edition" on can |
NEED | Russia | 3 Cans? NEED ALL (may be more?) | |
NEED | Thailand | Red Bull | 24 can set of Red Bull Cans |
3D Release of Episode I - 2012 - The Phantom Menace
NEED | Japan | Pepsi Energy | Darth - Pepsi Energy Cola. (NOTE: I do not think it mentioned the 3D release on this can, but was released around the same time.) |
have | U.S.A. | Brisk | Darth Maul - Part of a 2 can set |
NEED | U.S.A. | Brisk | Yoda - Part of a 2 can set ---- NEED --- |
EP VII - 2015 - The Force Awakens
... I am not sure what cans, if any were released for this movie.
EP VIII - 2017 - The Last Jedi
HAVE | China | Pepsi | 3 can set - Black Cans - BB8, R2D2, Stormtrooper (Are there more than 3 cans?) |
NEED | Denmark | Coke Zero | At least 3 cans - maybe 6 cans? |
NEED | France | Coke Zero | Aluminum Bottles - 6 can set |
have | Germany | Coke Zero | 6 can set |
NEED | U.K. | Coke Zero | Aluminum Bottles - At least 3, maybe 6 bottle set? |
Others? I believe there are others out there. |
EP IX - 2019 - The Rise of Skywalker
have | Argentina | Coke Zero | 6 can set |
NEED | Austria | Coke Zero | 6 can set |
have | China | Pepsi | 4 can set, black cans (not sure if there are more then 4 cans to this set) |
NEED | Czech Republic | Coke Zero | ????? 6 can set ??? Not sure |
NEED | France | Coke Light | 150ml mini can |
NEED | France | Coke Zero | 150ml mini can |
NEED | France | Coke Zero | 6 can set??? |
have | Germany | Coke Zero | 6 can set |
NEED | Hungary | Coke Lemon Zero | 1 330ml can (maybe more?) |
have | Hungary | Coke Zero | 6 can set |
NEED | Italy | Coke Zero | At least 1 can - maybe more |
NEED | Jordan | At least 1 can - maybe more | |
NEED | Korea | Coke Zero | 2 250ml cans - maybe more |
have | Philippines | Coke Zero | 6 can set |
have | Poland | Coke Zero | 6 can set |
NEED | Romania | Coke Zero | 6 can set |
NEED | Russia | 6 can set maybe??? | |
NEED | Slovakia | 6 can set maybe??? | |
NEED | Switzerland | 6 can set maybe??? | |
NEED | Taiwan | Coke Zero | 6 can set |
NEED | Turkey | 6 can set maybe??? | |
have | Ukraine | Coke Zero | 6 can set |
"Space Punch" Cans
have | Germany | Space Punch | 8 can numbered set - along top has "Collector's Edition No.#" - 2016 I think [But maybe a 10 can set -- maybe even more????? ] I have the first 8 cans. |
have | U.S.A. | Space Punch | 20 can numbered set - along top also has name of person on can - 2017. (Has a mix of classic characters & newer characters |
??? | Space Punch | Rogue One - I think there is a set of maybe 8 cans? I think in USA, but maybe also Germany or elesewhere? | |
have | U.S.A. | Space Punch | 8 can "symbol"/"Logo" set - Think I have these 8. not sure if released outside of USA |
NEED | U.S.A. | Space Punch | Think there is another set, maybe 8 cans - with a lot of "red" on it - will NEED to do more research. |
**** NOTE: Old list/page is below, with just a couple of picture ****
The information below may also be OUTDATED
-- as some I may have now
(note: this page is a little outdated, but holds a lot of good information. I hope to have this updated in the next few weeks)
Pepsi-Cola Co. had a HUGH promotional deal for the Star Wars Episode 1 movie in 1999, and many different cans were made around the world to help promote this movie. This page is here to help identify all the different cans made, and hopefully will help collectors know what they are missing from their collection.
Argentina (6 cans) (** NEED **)
Australia (8 cans)
Austria (5 cans) (** NEED **)
Brazil (8 cans)
Canada (20 cans)
England (UK) (16 cans)
France (3 cans)
Germany (7 cans)
Greece (8 cans) (** NEED **)
Italy (5 cans)
Japan (many cans) (** NEED some **)
Korea (4 cans)
Malaysia (4 cans)
Mexico (4 cans) (** NEED **)
Netherlands (6 cans)
New Zealand (6 cans)
Portugal (4 cans) (** NEED **)
Singapore (4 cans)
Spain (8 cans)
Turkey (5 cans) (** NEED **)
United States (many cans)
PLEASE NOTE: For the places marked ** NEED **, I will trade for these cans and/or buy at a reasonable price. Please contact me (starwars@popcan.org) for more information.
Second Note: One of the biggest questions I get from US collectors is about the 7up cans from other countries. Well Pepsi owns the right to 7up just about everywhere in the world EXCEPT for the USA. So that is why you see Star Wars on 7up cans in other countries.
Info coming soon
There were 8 different cans released. They are:
4 Pepsi (Anakin, Darth Maul, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan)
1 Diet Pepsi (Queen Amidala)
1 Pepsi Max (Jar Jar)
1 Mountain Dew (Watto)
1 7up (3-CPO)
Info coming soon
Pepsi put out 8 350mL cans. Here is what they have:
6 Pepsi (Obi, Anakin, Amidala, Darth, Jar Jar, and Qui)
1 Pepsi Light (Amidala)
1 7up (Yoda)
Pepsi in Canada has put of a 20 can set. These cans were brought out 1 every couple of weeks. These cans are also numbered. The cans included:
8 Pepsi (Anakin, Sebulba, Qui-Gon, Watto, Jabba, Senator, R2-D2, Darth Sidious)
4 Mountain Dew (Darth Maul, Jar Jar, Mace, Obi-Wan)
4 Diet Pepsi (Queen Amidala, Padme, Shmi, Battle Droid)
4 7up (Chancellor, C-3PO, Nute Gunray, Boss Nass)
These cans look somewhat similar to the USA cans EXCEPT they have both English and French writing on them.
England (United Kingdom)
Pepsi released a total of 16 cans. The first 10 were normal 330ml cans. They are:
2 Pepsi (Qui & Anikin)
2 Diet Pepsi (Queen & Obi)
2 Pepsi Max (R2 & Jar Jar)
2 7up (C3-PO & Yoda)
2 Diet 7up (C3-PO & Yoda)
Also there are 6 150ml cans.
Pepsi (Anakin & Qui-Gon)
Pepsi Max (Jar Jar & R2-D2)
Diet Pepsi (Queen Amidala & Obi Wan)
At least 3 cans were made here - more info coming soon
Pepsi in Germany put out 7 cans total. 5 330mL cans, and 2 500 mL cans. Here are the 330mL cans that were released:
1 Pepsi (Qui-Gon)
1 Pepsi Light (Amidala)
1 7up (Yoda)
1 Mirinda (Watto)
1 Pepsi Boom (Jar Jar)
Here are the 500mL cans that were released:
1 Pepsi (Darth Maul)
1 Pepsi Max (R2-D2)
More info coming soon
More info coming soon
Pepsi has just gone wild in Japan with they Star Wars cans. I hope that I have covered everything. (NOTE: All the cans made in Japan was of just Pepsi)
First they released 8 different Pepsi Can
6 350ml Cans (R2, Darth, Queen, Anikin, Obi Wan, & Jar Jar)
2 500ml Cans (Anikin, Darth Queen)
Then they RE-Made the cans and made the pictures look sharper and better. So if you are a serious collector like me, you want each "version" of the cans.
Then the released some "gold rim" / Year 2000 Star war Cans.
R2-D2 (both 350ml & 500ml)
C-3PO (both 350ml & 500ml)
Next Pepsi put out a cool set of 10 cans (that made up 5 characters!) You have to stack 1 can on top of another to make the person.
*** More information to come** - I still NEED some of the regular cans that were made.
Pepsi released 4 Pepsi Cans in Korea. I have found a some cans with blue tabs, and some with silver tabs. They are:
Pepsi (Qui-Gon, Queen Amidala, Darth Maul, & Jar Jar Binks)
4 Pepsi 325ml cans were released here:
4 Pepsi (Anakin, Jar Jar, Darth Maul, & Queen Amidala)
Pepsi released 4 Pepsi cans here:
Pepsi (Anakin, Queen, Jar Jar, Darth Maul)
Pepsi released 6 cans. Here are what they are:
Pepsi (Anakin Skywalker & Qui-Gon)
Pepsi Max (Jar Jar & R2-D2)
7up (Yoda)
Sisi (Watto)
New Zealand
Pepsi released 6 cans in New Zealand. Here are what they are:
Pepsi (Anakin Skywalker)
Pepsi Max (Jar Jar Binks)
Mountain Dew (Watto)
Diet Pepsi (Queen Amidala)
7up (Yoda)
Miranda (Sebulba)
Pepsi released 4 cans in Portugal
Pepsi (Anakin & Qui-Gon)
7up (Yoda & C3-PO)
Pepsi released 3 regular cans, and 1 "send away" special color can.
Pepsi (Jar Jar, Qui Gon, Darth Maul)
Send Away Pepsi (Anakin Pod Race - 360 degree picture! COOL)
There were 8 330mL cans released in Spain. They are:
Pepsi (Anakin & Qui-Gon Jinn)
Pepsi Light (Reina Amidala)
Pepsi Max (R2-D2)
Kas Liman (Darth Maul)
Kas Narania (Obi-Wan)
7up (Yoda)
Pepsi BOOM (Jar Jar Binks)
5 cans were released in Turkey
Pepsi (Anakin, Kralice Amidala, Darth Maul, Jar Jar, C-3PO)
United States
Pepsi has put out a "base" 24 can set. This set was brought out slowly with a new can every couple of weeks. Some people found it had to find the "last" cans that were put out. The cans included:
8 Pepsi (Anakin Skywalker, Sebulba, Qui-Gon Jinn, Watto, Jabba the Hutt, Senator Palpatine, R2-D2, Darth Sidious)
8 Mountain Dew (Darth Maul, Jar Jar Binks, Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Captain Panaka, Rune Haako, Ric Olie, Destroyer Droid)
4 Diet Pepsi (Queen Amidala, Padme Neberrie, Shmi Skywalker, Battle Droid)
4 Pepsi One (Chancellor Valorum, C-3PO, Nute Gunray, Boss Nass)
Also on the regular 24 cans, you will find hidden "words" on each of the can. If you find them all, you will see 3 phrases which are: "Anakin breaks free but may face new enslavement", "the Jedi triumph but their future is clouded", and "one menace is destroyed but another lurks nearby"
There were also 2 special cans of Storm Soda. (Storm in a Lemon-lime product that was tested in LIMITED AREAS - has since been replaced by Sierra Mist.) On those cans were Jar Jar Binks & Qui-Gon.
There are also a couple of different versions of the cans. First in New York, the words "New York" can be found on the cans around the top. Also in Iowa, they have all gold tops. Both of these things are done for recycling programs in those states. (They have an extra $.05 cost of each can - and a $.05 return deposit on each can - that way people from out of state can't come bring other cans in and try to make extra money - or something like that.) (** NEED ** - I'm looking for a set of both of these)
There were also a total of 6 different Gold Yoda Cans! The Gold Yoda cans was a special contest where if you found a Gold Yoda can in a 12 or 24 pack, you had to send the can into Pepsi where they would send you $20 plus a special "replacement" can. The 6 cans are found on:
Mountain Dew
Diet Pepsi
Pepsi One
The Replacement Can
Storm (NOTE: I will pay $$$$$ for this can - only one I'm missing!)
Next Pepsi made a special Pepsi can that they "hid" in cases of Pepsi like the Gold cans - This can is the Destiny Can. It is full color (mostly black) and a cool looking can. They supposable put 1 can in every 900 CASES!
First I have a special promo box set of 4 cans.
(probable only between 150-500 of these sets made. I was told they
were made for the distributors to show what the cans would look
like. They are in their own special box, and on the can it just has
"gibberish". Since these were made before the movie came out, they
couldn't put the "real" words on the cans yet.
Also I have a prototype can of Luke Skywalker. This is a VERY EARLY prototype / Mockup which it is said they only made a few of these to show the "very high exec's" and people like George Lucas to show what the cans might look like. This was made so early by Pepsi, they just stuck a picture of Luke Skywalker on it (which in EP1 - isn't even born yet!)
Also I have only a picture of these prototypes. I'm not sure if there were ever made into real cans, or if the picture is the only thing that exist. If anyone knows more, PLEASE let me know. (I would also be interested in buying the cans if they were actually made!) (NOTE: Pictured on right!)