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ARCHIVE Section - here is some old "news" and such that I've posted in the back. Enjoy!
(Update February 13, 2008)
Plus in more Dew News - I believe 1 of these will be the new Dew Flavor! YUM! Maybe they will be smart at make all 3. HEY PEPSI - Send me some to try, I will be happy to be a taste tester for these
(Update January 12, 2008) WOW - Almost a year since I last updated this website. I haven't stopped collecting, but many other interests have come ahead of my collection. A lot of my collection is boxed up in storage, while I still look & find new cans.... which I almost immediately box up and send to storage. Hopefully some day I will be able to unbox everything and get "back" into my cans. 2007 was a busy year. A SUPER thing has happened to popcan collectors like myself - Pepsi has been putting all kinds of special cans out. I've been trying to keep up - I already have around 22 different cans.... but I already know I'm missing a lot. I was trying to find a list or checklist of the cans that Pepsi put out, and can't find nothing - so I guess I better start one here. PLEASE e-mail me at popcan @ coan.net if you have anything to add to this list. Even though I would love to trade what I have for what I don't, I'm not setup to do that right now... like I said above, as soon as I get the cans, I have very little room so they are boxed up and sent to storage. Anyway, here is a list:
Please note, I have pictures of the first 22 can designs as found on http://www.pepsigallery.com/ - but I'm unsure of the # - since either I have the can with no number, or don't have the can:
The following are even newer cans - most seen towards the end of 2007, and now into 2008.... none of which are listed on the http://www.pepsigallery.com website.
PLEASE e-mail me at popcan @ coan.net if you have anything to add to this list. I take what information I get and add to this list.
(Update January 20, 2007) Wow - I've had my popcan site on the internet for about 10 years now. Sometimes I "forget" about it for awhile (Like the last update was over a year ago), and I always have plans to do more with this site - but I have many "hobbies" and many times I just get out of "can" hobby for awhile and concentrate on other projects that I do. But I was looking at Pepsi's website earlier today, and it looks like
they are going to be putting a lot of special cans out in the upcoming
months - so that perked my interest enough to make me come back and post
something new here. First - Go to the Pepsi website, enter to get a code - then watch Super Bowl XLI in February 2007 to see if you win. What you win is the above can worth $10,000! (Jewel & such). Oh, and you also get free Super Bowl tickets for life - but who cares about that - what a cool can! Second, Pepsi shows 22 special cans they are planning on releasing. My guess, probable a new design every 2-4 weeks. I'm sure we will know more soon. Here are 3 of the 22: (Looks like the "Your Pepsi" can might be the first out?
(Update November 21, 2005) OK, everything got moved to a better server - domain name renewed - everything should be back to normal. I have some plans for this site - want to open it up to more users - let "users" submit news and such, hopefully things to make this site better. On to some news: Coke announced 3 new energy drinks for 2006. ADVANCE by POWERade, a second Full Throttle flavour (Fury), and Tab Energy. Holiday 2005 - Coke is adding the Coca-Cola Polar Bears to their US lineup, which some in other countries have seen more of then the US has. I have already seen the Coke Bottles, plus some of the Coke products with the holiday design on them. The brands of Coke Classic, Caffeine Free Coke, Coke Zero, C2, Diet, and Caffeine Free Diet (should) feature the Polar Bears on the cans. (I will try to get a picture up soon.)
(Update November 16, 2005) I'M SICK OF IT! A few year ago, I paid a site to forward the POPCAN.ORG domain name & mail and everything to a different site. Since then, the site started to offer this service free BUT they also stuck pop-up ads on the forwarded sites. Since I paid for my service, I do not think my site should get the pop-up ads. They had worked with me for awhile to keep the ad's away, but it is a constant fight to make them stop putting pop-up ad's on my site. SO, as of today, I will be playing around with moving the domain name / pointer and such so the pop-up ad's will not be around anymore. So during the next few days, there might be a little bit of down-time for this site while the domain name pointer and such are figured out. The true place of POPCAN.ORG is: http://coan.net/popcan/ Hopefully if things go smoothly, the name POPCAN.ORG will continue to work and no one will see a difference.
(Update November 4, 2005) Coca-Cola plans to introduce Diet Black Cherry Vanilla Coke & Black Cherry Vanilla Coke January 2006
(Update September 20, 2005) Pepsi Sports Series 14oz Collectable Cans - Only found at Wal-Marts. There is a 8 can NASCAR Track set, a 10 can Baseball World Series set, along with other cool cans. Here is the list that I know about so far:
September 19, 2005)
(Update August 27, 2005)
(Update June 16, 2005)
Wal-Mart & Pepsi 14oz Limited Edition Cans Update. These cans are in addition to the ones I've listed below (Feb 21st).
Plus some very cool Pepsi Star-Wars cans from Japan - (Look at picture here)
Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company of Charlotte, North Carolina is celebrating and remembering 100 years of service this year. Commemorative Pepsi & Diet Pepsi cans were unveiled to the public on April 14th, and only available in a limited area in the Charlotte, NC area. 1905-2005 [Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company of Charlotte's Website]
(Update April 12, 2005)
Hong Kong - Just found some Star Wars Episode III pop cans on eBay on COKE!
(Update March 29, 2005) Mountain Dew Electrocution - Berry Flavored I think, but I have not heard anything else about it (other then finding the picture!) Tropicana Twister Soda - Pepsi is doing away with the Slice brand, and making the Tropicana brand.
(Update March 25, 2005) Pepsi will once again be promoting the new Star Wars movie which is to be released in May 2005. They have planned some cool promotions like a limited edition Darth Dew Slurpee at 7-Eleven stores - but I have yet to hear if they will have special cans or not. (Hope so!) May 2005 - Diet Coke with Splenda June 2005 - Coca-Cola Zero - No Calorie coke. Watch eBay in April - Coke to auction a sample pack of Zero on eBay Soon 2005 - Re-Launch of Pepsi One with Splenda Pepsi will try to bring their Mirinda & Manzanita Sol brands to the US to test. Canada - Coke has introduced new "mini" cans in Canada - 237 mL (normal is 355 mL)
(Update February 21, 2005) Pepsi Sports Series 14oz Collectable Can Updated below - not as many cans as I thought so far, but still a lot. I would guess that there will be multiply MLB can's, but I do not believe any of those are released yet. So far, 15 cans have been released. (I have all 15 of them.) Out of those 15, 8 are part of a NASCAR track set. 4 are part of a Jeff Gordon set. These I believe can only be found at Wal-Mart
Watch for Pepsi to start producing Tropicana carbonated drinks which will replace Slice - April 2005
(Update February 14, 2005) Pepsi Sports Series 14oz Collectable Cans list is updated below - so scroll down. April/May 2005 - Pepsi Lime & Diet Pepsi Lime. Pepsi can't let Coke have all the Lime flavored cola's. Look for a new Mountain Dew Logo later in 2005. Plus with the success of Code Red, Live Wire, and the so-so of the Pitch Black Mountain Dew - Expect more of the same in 2005!
Diet Coke with Splenda - 2nd Qtr 2005. I've also heard of a Coke Zero as diet version of Coke, but not sure if these 2 are the same or not. Is Coke going after Mountain Dew yet again? (remember Mellow Yellow, Surge, etc..) - Well possible look for something called "Vault" in 2005 Coffee Flavored Cola's - Coke may try this again. ("Blak" or "Makkio" ?????) (Update February 9, 2005 - Updated Feb 14) Pepsi is bringing out a new "Sport Series 14oz Collectable Cans". I'm still trying to figure out what all the cans that are going to be released. (As I write this, I only have the 4 cans above). If you have anything else to add to this list, Please feel free to e-mail me and let me know. UPDATE: These are a special promotion/trail that I believe is only available in Wal-Mart At least 22 different cans I believe so far, but probable more! (includes 8 can NASCAR Track Set) Here are the cans that I think will be released:
Coca-Cola News: Feb/March 2005 will bring Coca-Cola with Lime. April 4, 2005 will bring us Sprite ReMix Aruba Jam Late 2004, 7up brought out a 6 can Grammy set spread over 6 of their products. Each can was designed by a Musical entertainer. Those cans are:
Plus 3 other cans that I have found January, 2005
(Update October 11, 2004) Sorry that I do not keep these pages updated. I have some plans to try to make this into a "community" page where anyone will be able to submit news about new cans, etc... Don't know when I'll do this, but it is planned. Here is some "can" news. Dr. Pepper is bringing out Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper (and a Diet version). I believe it is out in test markets now, and will be nation wide in Jan 2005. This is the "first offering in the company's new Fountain Classics line." - as quoted from 7up's website. Also in the 7up family of cans, 6 artist helped design special cans for
the 2004 grammys.
(Update September 13, 2003) *** The Lord of the Rings. - I believe the Lord of the Rings cans are
being promoted on 7 different brands: But - how many different designs are there? Note the picture of Aragorn on the Diet 7up can in the picture to the left that I took. Now look at the picture of Aragorn on the Diet 7up can taken from the 7up website. 2 different designs! So I'm still working on what is all out there. Any other help would be appricated. (You can e-mail me at: michael @ popcan.org)
(Updated August 22, 2003) *** The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers comes out on DVD on August 26,
2003. To help promote the DVD release, Dr Pepper/Seven Up brands are
helping promote the move. I'm not sure what all cans the special
designs will be on yet, but possible: 7up, Diet 7up, dnL, Sunkist,
A&W, and Canada Dry. (Information from Dr Pepper/7up website -
including picture of can) *** Special 7up cans - "Celebrate Alaska" have / are being released ONLY in Alaska! 5 unique scenes including a fish jumping in a lake, a seaplane soaring, a bear capturing a fish, a dog sled team, and a whale breaching. Cans hit store shelves this month and additional packaging will roll out until August 2004. (Anyone from Alaska want to send me some 7up cans???) [Full story here] *** Pepsi Vanilla & Diet Pepsi Vanilla have been release. (Updated July 10, 2003) *** TRADE PAGE is now OPEN! *** Pepsi (USA) released a 4 can set to help celebrate 4th of July. (click picture for BIGGER picture) *** Mountain Dew - Special can for the movie Hulk (click picture for BIGGER picture) *** Mountain Dew Live Wire - Limited for Summer 2003. This is actually pretty good, and I would not be surprised if this comes back as a regular drink like Code Red is! (click picture for BIGGER picture) *** Nestea (Coke product) - Charlies Angels special can - to promote new movie! (Updated May 2003) ** Dr Pepper - X-Men can are being released (May 2003). There are 6 different can designs. BUT, I believe all 6 can be found on regular Dr Pepper, possible all 6 can designs on Diet Dr Pepper, and possible all 6 can designs on Red Fusion! (I've only found 1 can design on Red Fusion so far - but I'm still looking!) Also note that Dr Peppers web site talks about the promotion also being on Caffeine Free Dr Pepper & Caffeine Free Diet Dr Pepper (but possible not any cans) (USA) ** Dr Pepper/Seven Up - Promotion coming soon for the Aug 26, 2003 release of second Lord of the Rings on Video - "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers". The promotion will be across seven of the company's soft drink brands including 7 up, Diet 7 up, Cherry 7 up, dnL, Sunkist, A&W, and Canada Dry. Imagery WILL appear on 12 ounce cans. (USA) (LINK) ** The Message Board on this site is NOW OPEN (again) ** Sprite Remix - Launched in the USA in Feb/March - it can now be found in cans (May 2003) It is a tropical version of Spite! (USA) (click for BIGGER picture) ** Spite Ice - To be (Has been?) released only in Canada & Belgium so far. It is mint flavour. (Canada & Belgium) ** Hulk (Movie) - The Hulk movie is coming mid-June & Mountain Dew, Mountain Dew Code Red, and Sierra Mist are going to help promote it. Do I see special cans coming?? (USA) ** More New Products: Mountain Dew LiveWire (Orange dew) will be out for a limited time between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Pepsi Vanilla (Vanilla flavored cola) will appear late summer 2003. Cans should be made for BOTH of these products! (USA)
© 1997-2015 - POPCAN.ORG, part of the COAN.NET realm of domains - all copyrighted to COAN.NET, Michael A. Coan - This site is not connect to any company. All images on this site are owned and copyrighted to Michael A. Coan, used with permission by another source, or thought to be of public domain. You are not allowed to use any image found on this site without first contact the owner, Michael A. Coan, for permission. (This included such things as eBay auctions, and other websites.) |